Saturday, September 19, 2015

Week 2: Evolution

            This week my lecturer asked my class to watch a lecture video titled ‘Selection in Action’. I watched the video but I don’t really understand the content. So I decided to understand the content when my lecturer explains it in the class. What I know is the evolution of teosinte to corn plants by artificial selection which were breed by humans. Another example is for dogs, that vary in all sorts of interesting traits, colours, hair textures, sizes and behaviours that are useful to humans. Unfortunately, in this week, the haze was so thick. I fall sick because of the environment so, I could not go to the class. I just watched the video again and tried to understand the contents by asking my friends. For this topic, I learned it more from the internet than in my class because I didn’t get the opportunity to learn with my friends because of my health. Maybe you are wondering why I didn’t just ask my lecturer. The reason is I will not ask my lecturer or teacher if I still can find the answer on the internet or from my friends. I just want to try to think and solve the problem by myself.
My medical leave
The haze in my campus area

 Even I was not in the class, I still did the group assignment with my friends. The assignment was about natural selection. We need to be a cartoonist this time as we need to draw a comic on the topic. We selected tortoise as our main character.  I think it was a very fun assignment because I get to draw tortoises. I also experienced how to create funny dialogue for the tortoises. I need to put myself in the tortoises’ situation and think what they maybe thought during the natural selection process. In the meantime, I also get to know my friends better because during our discussion about the assignment, all of us just show our true self and get to know each other. At that time I also learned how to cooperate with other people and try to consider everybody’s opinion when making a decision.
Our comic
 If I were given the opportunity to turn back the time, firstly, I would like to take care of my health better during the haze so I can enter the class and learned with my friends. I also would like to join SCL activities with my group mates and have a clear idea about the topic. If that happen, I can write better in this entry and can tell more about my opinion.

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