Saturday, September 26, 2015

Week 3: History of Life

In this week, I learn about the history of life. Before going into the topic, I thought the topic is about how human started to live on the earth but it is about how cell prokaryotes and eukaryotes can exist on the earth surface from inorganic substances. At first I can’t relate but after learning and listening the explanation from my lecturer I think it is quite logical and with evidence from Miller-Urey Experiments that inorganic compounds can form organic compound with some encouragement of heat and energy from natural disaster.

Miller-Urey Experiment
The issue that interest me a lot is how living thing exist from something smaller and after many years they become bigger and more complex. The event is very systematic. But I don’t believe the issue because of my religion. For me the logic stops when the organic compounds form polymer.

For this topic, I have learned the best when I  and my group mates are doing the SCL activities. It is due to before the SCL activities I think I have understand the topic but when I need to do the flow chart, I feel confused with the event that need to happen first. Then I try my best to flashback what I have learned and write what I think as the best answer. When we are discussing the answer it turned out that my group is the closest one to the answer. There are just some minor mistakes that we have to focus on. I am happy with that because that mean I understand most of the topic and just need to revise a little bit more for me to master the topic.

The flow chart 
In the nutshell, the topic is very interesting because this is the first time that I learn about it and I can digest the information clearly as the topic is very related with my course that is Cell and Molecular Biology.       

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