Saturday, June 4, 2016

Adopt a Microbe

          The biggest project ever I had done for subject Microbiology is ‘Adopt a Microbe’. This project required me to pick a microbe and make a scrapbook about the microbe. At first I thought it is hard because the task was given on my first met with the lecturer. I do not know much about microbes at that time. The due date was Week 14 which I thought quite long. This also made me thought that it is hard because I need 14 weeks to complete that.

          The first few week I started to find an interesting microbe for me to adopt. I gone through the internet to find microbe that gave benefit to human’s skin. Because at that time I suffered a very serious acnes problem on my skin. I tried a lot of products that remove bacteria on my skin then I found that maybe the products killed some of them that actually protecting my skin from acnes. So that was why my acne keep going serious. After a few hours, I short listed a few bacteria that can help to protect us from disease. I picked Staphylococcus epidermis as my microbe. It is a type bacteria that can help to boost immune system. Next, I find more information about the microbe to complete my scrapbook requirements. By the way, the information needed were name, nutrition, metabolism, significant, characteristics, ecology and some pictures.

          At this time, I had found enough information to start my scrapbook. I use Cliptomize to make my scrapbook. Some of my friends use PowToon but I was short of time to use that. But I am satisfied with what I had done. In my opinion, I thought it was quite interesting. If I was given the same chance again I would definitely use PowToon. For 3MT slide I just highlighted the ecology of the bacteria as it had 3 types of interaction with human. They were mutualism, commensalism and parasitism.

          The most challenging time was when I need to present the bacteria. During 3MT, I was very nervous. First because I was alone, second because 3 lecturers were evaluating me. I was very grateful because I was one of the earliest presenter so I did not need to hold my nervousness for a long time. When presenting I was trembling a little bit for first few seconds. Then I can go on smoothly even not so smooth because I forgot some of the information that I remembered before. So what had been done were done. I accepted what the result was.

          In conclusion, this project taught me to be creative, independent and confident. It was a good experience to present my microbe in front of people so my second try should be better in the future. Lastly, I hope I can answer the final examination questions greatly and pass with flying colors.

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