Saturday, October 3, 2015

Week 4: Cell Theory

For the next class I learned about cell theory. The topic is not new to me because I have learned it before in the foundation. But after I learned about the topic it does not only discuss about the person that contributes to cell theory but also about bacteria and archaebacteria that I have heard but do not know their characteristics. I also just know that viroid is not the same as virus and I just heard about prions.


Before the class started, our lecturer asked us to do a pre-class assignment about the person that contributed in the cell theory. At the same time I can revise a bit about what I have learned before. I also get to know the inventions invented by the person such as Robert Hooke, Anton van Leeuwenhoek, Theodore Schwann and Rudolf Virchow. I also get to revise the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell that I almost forgot.

Robert Hooke

Antoni van Leeunhoek

Theodore Shwann

Rudolf Virchow
In the class, after the lecturer explained to us about the topic, she asked us to do a SCL activity about the similarities and differences between bacteria and archaebacteria using Venn diagram. From that activity I can interact with my friends and my friends can explain to me the thing that I don’t understand about archaebacteria and bacteria. The discussion helped me so much to understand more about the topic.

Venn Diagram
After the class, my lecturer asked us to watch a video about cell theory. The video is very hilarious for me because it is an animation that portrays the life of the person that contributed in cell theory and how they interact with each other. I also need to do assignment. I and my group mates need to make a poster about either good or bad bacteria. My group choose the bad bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa. It is a good experience because I get to cooperate with my group mates and learn how to make a poster. I think it is very funny experience because we sometimes argue about the information that we want to put in the poster in a cute way.

In conclusion, the course had taught me to develop as a student that can identify similarities and the difference of microorganisms as they are very small and look alike.

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