Saturday, May 7, 2016

Microbial Ecology

After a long time, at last Dr. Wan came into the class again. Not to just to meet us but also to teach us topic 9: Microbial Ecology.I thought last time was the last class ever for this semester but I was wrong. I was happy plus excited when I heard the news.

For this class the learning concept was very different from before. We actually need to teach our friend in relay. Each group divided the subtopic to every member. The person who in charge of the subtopic need to understood and find extra information about that topic. Then, the group will explain what they had found to the other group. For example, Group 1 to Group 2 and so on. The explanation was just like simple discussion while facing each other.

I got the subtopic about negative interaction between organisms. This activity had thought me how to deliver information effectively to the other person and gave me the satisfaction when the other person understood the info and can pass to the other group.

But if I could rewind the time, I wanted to do the session again because the last group's conclusions disappoint my expectation. They said there are no new information delivered to them other than information in the notes. Before that, when I explained to the group before them, I included new example of the negative interaction but they did not pass down the information. There must be something that happen between the discussion that caused this situation. I hope to fix that if I can turn back the time.

Overall, the class was different. The lecturer did not give lecture but just be there and in the other hand, students teach each other with lecturer's guide.

Microbial community in freshwater

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