Saturday, October 10, 2015

Week 5: Endosymbiosis

The next topic that I learn is about Endosymbiosis. This is not the first time for me to hear the word but I never know the meaning of the word. After knowing the meaning, the idea of it I have heard from my foundation studies lecturer but she said the idea is still fresh and the scientists are still finding more proof about the idea.

In this topic I can’t think how bacteria cell can enter a eukaryote cell and function to help the cell undergo process to produce energy. The theory that eukaryote arose from prokaryote is not relevant for me as it also related to the topic History of Life that I also cannot believe it enough. Maybe in the future someone will find more solid evidence that can make me believe it. Never mind about that because I need to learn it anyway.

Before the class started, my lecturer asked the class to answer a forum in Putra Blast about endosymbiosis and that help me a bit to know about the topic before entering the class. It is also a preparation before I enter the class. 

This time the SCL activity helps me a lot in the class as me and my group mates need to cooperate to find the difference and similarities of mitochondria and chloroplast that both known as endosymbiosis bacteria. Before doing the activity I am quite blurry about that topic but Thank God I can digest it after doing the activity because to understand the topic we need to discuss it in a group.

Venn Diagram
Other than that I also learn about cell division in human. It is also a kind of revision session as I have learn about it in secondary school and foundation studies but my lecturer also explain in detail the process in interphase that I don’t know before this.

Cell division process

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