Saturday, October 17, 2015

Week 6: Pollination and Development of Plant

The next week of my campus life, I learned about Pollination and Development of Plant Embryo. The topic is quite familiar to me because I have learned it in high school but for me the process of pollination is quite complicated for me especially the double fertilization and I have forget some part of the fertilization.

Double fertilization
The thing that made me interested in the topic was when the lecturer explained about the cultured plant. Actually I have heard about it for the first time when I am in Form 4. From that moment I was interested to know more about it. But unfortunately I am not exposed too much about that after I finished high school. So I almost forget about my passion but when I was going to choose the course to study in degree I remember it back and try my luck by selecting the course. Then I get the spot in the course in UPM even it is not my first choice, but it is still in my passion. After I see the subject I will learn when I am in the course, I am quite excited because there were subject Applied Science for Plants that I will learned maybe in the third or fourth year. It made me remember straight away to callus because that it the thing that I was very excited to see.

Process to culture plants
During the class my lecturer brought some example of the cultured plant. At first I am very excited because I thought at last I can saw callus in real life. But I am just a little bit disappointed because my lecturer brought the one that had differentiated. I am expecting to see the undifferentiated one but after I had learned about it I just know that not all plant undergo callogenesis and there are some parts of the plant that we need to use to make sure it undergo callogenesis.

During the class we also did some SCL activities about cell division. We need to complete a flow chart about cell division. For me that activity is quite fun. We also get to discuss the thing that we were not sure before so that we can complete the flow chart. I think that discussion was one of the most productive discussion I had done before in the class.    

 Flow chart
If I were to get the chance to turn back the time. I would pay more attention in the class and maybe do some research before I entered the class so I will not be so lost as I was before and can understand better in the class. My lecturer had done a good job explaining to me but I am the want that need to work harder.

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