Thursday, October 22, 2015

Summary from Week 1-7

Throughout the weeks that I have learned with my lecturer was very fun. At first I thought my lecturer will be very very strict but it is not like that. She is very friendly and cheerful person. I have a good time learning from her.

Everything that I had learned in the few weeks some had change my views towards it, some had add my knowledge, some were unlogical and some made me confuse whether to trust it or just learn it.
In the class, I enjoyed doing SCL because the discussion is very relaxed and convenient. I also found that the discussion stimulate my thinking skills. In school the discussion are held outside of the class so we are quite lost but here the lecturer are with us and ready to guide us. It is a very new experience to me as I get to know my friends in a different way. Other than the stereotype one, which we say our name and others, I know my friend by the way they are thinking and the way they interact with friends.

The best experience is when I get to be a cartoonist to draw and design the comic assignment. I don’t even know that I can draw that good actually. I just like colouring before and I will just draw when I am bored and have nothing else to do other than sleeping.

The other experience that I will not forget is walking to BioTech 3. I don’t know if it is good or bad experience. Sometimes it feels okay but sometimes it is hard. The good feeling comes when at least I know where is the building located. I also know that there are two ways to go there and while walking I can see animals that I cannot found at other places other than that street in UPM such as goat, snakes, flamingos and birds. I was quite excited actually. The hard thing is when it is raining, we don’t have other choice other than just walk through it. Even with an umbrella I am still soaking wet when I reached my room. The building is far away from other buildings in the campus so it took quite a long time for me to reach there. The furthest I walked is from Faculty of Science to BioTech 3.

The last experience is the most informational experience I know when preparing this journal. It is knowing how to create a blog. Before this I am not interested to have a blog and still I am. But for this task at least I know how to create a blog. I have asked my friends how to create a blog but most of them just tell me to google the way. I am quite frustated actually because no one want to teach me so I just find the way to create it in the internet on my own. It takes me a day of my weekend just to create it. At last I can create it and feel relieved. So this is the result even it does not look professional. 

This is maybe the last post in this blog. I just want to give my appreciation to Dr. Parames for teaching me passionately for over 7 weeks and my friends that had help me in a lot of ways for this course. I hope I can pass this subject with flying colours.

This is my faculty (BioTech 1). It is the main building of the faculty where the main offices located.

This is BioTech 3. It is where a lot of lab and lecturer's offices located.

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