Sunday, March 13, 2016

Microscopy & Prokaryote

In this topic, I learned about types of microscope. Before this I believe that there are only 3 types of microscopy technique. They are light microscope, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). I am surprised to know that there are more than 3 types of microscopy technique. Their name are also very alien to me such as confocal microscope, Normaski differential interference contrast (DIC) micorscopy, phase contrast microscopy and fluorescence microscope. Every and each of them have different ability. Some create 3D image, can analysed the thickness of specimen, can see outer layer of the cell, can see through the cell and can see the colour of specimen. Even the same specimen that had been put under these microscopes can produce different micrograph. 

Different types of microscope

Phase contrast micrograph

DIC micrograph

SEM micrograph
I also just know that there are also many types of stain other than gram-positive and gram-negative. These types of stain have different purpose. For example, there are special stain for flagella. This is to enhance the shape of flagella under the microscope so that we can observe it more clearly.

Flagella stain. We can see the flagella clearly here.
Before class, we were given task to make an online mind map about prokaryote. But during the class all of us need to write the mind map on the whiteboard again together. I was thinking the word that I remember from the mind map and quickly go in front and wrote 'glycocalyx' before anyone wrote the same word because everyone was scrambling to write on the board. It was funny because everyone was like pushing each other to write their word because maybe they also felt like me. The funniest part is when the mind map is complete, it did not look like completed. Just see the picture I attached. From this activity I learn more about team work, communication and the art of systematic.

Reality. Reality hurts.
The other activity that I think help me to learn is when we use quizzlet. We need to put terms that we remember with its definition in 20 minutes. Then take the test about the terms that we had typed in. Generally, I make the questions and I answer the questions. In my mind I thought "You should get full mark at this rate seriously". But I get 1 wrong because I type 'ENDOSPORES' instead of 'ENDOSPORE'. So annoying. This reminds me that I am more intelligent than the computer so why make them do all of my work. I am motivated to not too rely on computer when completing my assignments.

So at the end of the topic I should know how to differentiate between different types of microscope so when I meet one after this I am not too amazed as a biotechnology faculty's student.

Just for fun

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