Saturday, March 19, 2016

Prokaryote Quiz.

In this lesson I still learn about prokaryote. We learn about the transport system on the plasma membrane such as active transport, passive transport and osmosis. 

But this week my lecturer held a test in the class. She conducted the test by displaying the question on the screen in front of the class and we all answer the questions together but cannot discuss or copy our friend's answer.

I think I learned the most in this way of learning because I answer the question based on only what I remembered in our lesson before. I did not study before the test start. This resembled the percent of my focus in the class. I am glad I can answer 70% of the question correctly. That is because maybe my focus is only 70% in the class. I also know the technique to deal with the question that I cannot answer. I just use my logic and a little bit telepathy to sense the right answer. Sometimes I get the right answer but sometimes not.

In conclusion, if I were to turn back the time and do the class all over again, I will read the notes to top up the 30% and pick the answer not based on telepathy.

P/s: Telepathy that I mean here is the good feeling that I feel when I choose an answer.

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