Saturday, March 5, 2016

Introduction to Microbiology

This semester I am learning the subject Microbiology.This is my first time learning about microbes in details. Before this, I only know about the types of microbe such as bacteria, algae, virus and fungi.My first impression of the subject is nothing. I just thought of it as a subject that I need to take in my course and just learn about it. But I love to see the creatures under the microscope. I like to search them under the microscope and when I find them I feel very satisfied with my own effort.

In the first class I thought the class will be like the other class but it was very different from the other class. The class is not very formal. It was just like a gathering to learn about microbiology.

The first topic that I learn is Introduction to Microbiology. I learn a lot of new and interesting facts in this topic. I am very fascinated when I know that bacteria can be in a form of art. It is very beautiful. It can be in the shape of flower or just an abstract.

Bacteria in the form of art
I also feel amazed  when I know about watermelon snow. Watermelon snow is a type of algae in the snow that will turn to red when it sense pressure, for example human's footstep. The algae is Chlamydomonas nivalis.

Watermelon snow

Chlamydomonas nivalis

I also know new things that there are the biggest virus in the world. It is even bigger from some other bacteria.

The thing that changed my view toward microbiology is that how to memorize the name of the microbes. Before this, I thought it is very hard because it is so confusing to memorize them.But now I know that I need to understand the origin and history of the microbe to memorize their name.

In the class, I learn a lot from our way of discussion that is to share the information we know with everyone. We also use the internet a lot to find information. This way of learning helps me a lot to understand and do not stress out myself. I love to play the quiz on Kahoot because it is really fun and I enjoy it. But the bad side of it is that it needs internet connection which is a little bit hard to get.

Now I know that this subject is very important to me. The benefits of the microbe will be important in my course when I am doing any research. At this moment, bit by bit I am going to continue to love microbiology.

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